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AnaSpec Inc. Press releases

61 - 70 of 196 Press Releases

May 25, 2011
DPPIV assay kit provides a convenient assay for enzyme inhibitors and activators screening or for the continuous assay of enzyme activity

May 25, 2011
AnaSpec provides high quality standard on high-throughput dispensing service

May 25, 2011
AnaSpec, Eurogentec Group is pleased to announce the release of two new mouse monoclonal antibodies specific for β-Amyloid (1-40) & (1-42).

May 25, 2011
Leveraging proven technology from Eurogentec, AnaSpec's parent company, this protocol uses a proprietary mixture of Freund's free immuno-stimulatory compounds.

May 03, 2011
AnaSpec, Eurogentec Group, is pleased to release 11 MMP inhibitors to complement our wide offering of MMP SensoLyte® 520 and 490 fluorimetric kits, colorimetric kits, recombinant proteins, and Z-Fish™ antibodies

May 03, 2011
AnaSpec, Eurogentec Group is pleased to release the following dipeptides, the majority of which are >95% pure.

Apr 11, 2011
For both FAST and regular protocols, AnaSpec is pleased to showcase our parent company, Eurogentec’s MESA BLUE qPCR MasterMix Plus for SYBR® Assay.

Apr 11, 2011
AnaSpec, Eurogentec Group is pleased to be the first in the industry to establish a new product line of zebrafish specific (Z-Fish™) antibodies to support the increasing needs of researchers.

Feb 22, 2011
AnaSpec, Eurogentec Group is pleased to introduce CherryTMExpress T7 Protein Express Kits from Eurogentec.

Feb 22, 2011
AnaSpec is pleased to showcase a variety of premium quality stains, including cell-impermeant and cell-permeant nucleic acid stains.

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