Oct 17, 2011
We are all proud of our multitasking skills. But juggling two or three things at one time can come for a hefty price, especially if two of those tasks include a drink and a laptop.
Oct 14, 2011
Most people don’t even know what a laptop warranty is, and why they may need one. A warranty is basically protection that is bought with the purchase of a new laptop, or bought separately for a free laptop received as a gift.
Oct 11, 2011
The iPhone 4S does have a few minor design changes from original iPhone 4. Notably, the mute switch and the two volume buttons have moved ever-so-slightly to accommodate a new antenna.
Oct 09, 2011
It is important for online marketers to create fully optimized landing pages so that users clicking on advertisements are directed to compelling, relevant information that encourages them to interact with the brand.
Sep 26, 2011
The first thing you need to remember about your laptop’s battery is that it has a memory. If you constantly leave the laptop plugged in and never flex the laptop’s memory, it will start to lose its ability to charge correctly.
Sep 21, 2011
What a day. In the space of a few short hours, Google+ wrenched open the floodgates, allowing anyone to sign up for the fledgling social network — while Facebook retooled its newsfeed so you won’t miss any of your friend’s vital updates.
Aug 25, 2011
In further confirmation of social media’s penetration into the language, Merriam-Webster has added both “tweet” and “social media” to its Collegiate Dictionary.
Aug 23, 2011
In the wake of Google’s bid for Motorola, some analysts are arguing that Microsoft should snap up Nokia. But why would they want to do that?
Aug 15, 2011
Google announced Monday morning that it will acquire Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion. Motorola is one of 39 manufacturers of handsets that use Google’s Android operating system.
Aug 14, 2011
For every laptop manufacturer not named “Apple”, the race is on to make new super-thin and super-light laptops. Intel calls them Ultrabooks, and the name is catching on, despite being sort of silly