Aug 11, 2011
Digital cameras these days are unlike their film counterparts of the past. While you can take more pictures and review them immediately, such shooters consume more power.
Aug 08, 2011
The passwords for accounts in the cloud are supposed to be protected by Windows’ built-in encryption. But a team of security researchers demonstrated at the Black Hat security conference here how last week to bypass
Aug 08, 2011
Laptops Should be Ordinary now, Everyone’s Goals This laptop university Or perhaps a Every time travel.
Aug 04, 2011
Hardware budgets are feeling the pinch of our tepid economy, and many companies are making employees use their laptops longer.
Aug 04, 2011
Save money and bring an old laptop back to life with a few quick software and hardware upgrades. We show you how.
Aug 01, 2011
Microsoft's Windows XP has slipped under the 50% share mark for the first time since Web measurement company Net Applications began tracking operating system usage.
Jul 31, 2011
Looking back with 20/20 hindsight, it’s clear many products people thought were great at the time don’t look so great any more.
Jul 30, 2011
A recent study links intelligence test results with browser usage — and the results don’t look good for users of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, especially its older versions.
Jul 28, 2011
According to database pioneer Michael Stonebraker, Facebook is operating a huge, complex MySQL implementation equivalent to "a fate worse than death," and the only way out is "bite the bullet and rewrite everything."
Jul 27, 2011
Manufacturers of Android devices continue to unite against, with Acer joining the fray Apple as the company's claims of patent infringement continue to threaten HTC.