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Quality laptop battery shop Press releases

91 - 100 of 195 Press Releases

Apr 15, 2011
The Obama administration said today that it's moving ahead with a plan for broad adoption of Internet IDs despite concerns about identity centralization, and hopes to fund pilot projects next year.

Apr 14, 2011
Speed tests: iPad 2 vs. PlayBook vs. Xoom

Apr 12, 2011
Microsoft has released the first platform preview for Internet Explorer 10, less than a month after the launch its much-hyped Internet Explorer 9 browser.

Apr 11, 2011
According to an industry expert quoted on NewEnergy, the cost of lithium-ion batteries will drop by nearly a third within the next four years and may be halved by 2020.

Apr 10, 2011
StumbleUpon is hot. The discovery and recommendation engine that makes web browsing a lot like channel surfing just announced it’s now handling 1 billion stumbles per month.

Apr 09, 2011
There is no computer program used as often as a Web browser. Yet too many users never give the browser any thought, spending years with the default program installed on a once-new computer.

Apr 07, 2011
Some of us measure our daily lives according to point releases: This-dot-that, or that-dot-this. Well, those of us with iPhones, anyway--especially those of us with inexplicable battery troubles, or who gnaw our nails to nubs over security bugs.

Apr 06, 2011
One of the biggest complaints from cell phone customers is battery life. People want a cell phone with a long battery life so they can communicate, play, get entertainment, or do business without the worry of constantly charging the battery.

Apr 05, 2011
Self-hosted WordPress users, fire up your update engines because WordPress 3.1.1 is now available.

Mar 31, 2011
As I mentioned in my review of the HTC ThunderBolt, the ThunderBolt is a top-notch device that breaks through the speed barriers of the traditional smartphone. However, the ThunderBolt also has one big caveat: Battery life.

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