Jun 11, 2010
Dr.Kumar pati describes, Cumin seed, also spelled cummin, or jeera are seeds of flowering plant Cuminum Cyminum. This plant, native of east India and east Mediterranean, belongs to family Apeaceae
Jun 11, 2010
Dr. Kumar Pati, Turmeric is fragrant and has a bitter, somewhat sharp taste. Although it grows in mrany tropical locations, the majority of turmeric is grown in India, The roots, or rhizomes and bulbs, are used in medicinal and food preparations
Jun 11, 2010
Dr.Kumar Pati describes, Datura is a woody- stalked, leafy herb growing up to 2 meters. It produces spiney seed pods and large white or purple trumpet- shaped flower that face upward. Most part of the plant contain atropine,
Jun 11, 2010
Dr.Kumar Pati, An Ayurvedic medicine Researcher, describes Digitalis, commonly known as Foxglove, is a biennial or perennial herb growing unto about 1.2 meters tall
Jun 10, 2010
Medicinal parts used: Fruit, Seed, Leaves, Root, Bark and Flowers Dr.Kumar Pati, Ayurvedic Physician USA describes, Amla is a powerful rejuvenating herb. Also known as Indian gooseberry, the fruit is reputed to have the highest content of vitamin C.
Jun 10, 2010
Dr.Kumar Pati, CEO, Best Nutrition, USA, The peepal is worshipped all over India and is sacred to Hindus and Buddhists. It grows in northern and central India, in forests and alongside wate
Jun 10, 2010
Dr.Kumar Pati, Best Nutrition, Hayward, Kalalavi is a perennial creeper, herbaceous, tall, climbing herb. It has a root-stock, cylindric tubers, ovate lanceolate, tip ending in a tendril-like spiral, changing colors from greenish yellow,
Jun 10, 2010
Dr.Kumar Pati, Hayward, USA Glycyrrhiza glabra, a hardy herb, undershrub; leaves are multifoliolate, imparipinnate; the flowers are in axillary spikes, papilionaceous, lavender to violet in colour; the pods are compressed and contain reniform seeds
Jun 10, 2010
Gymnema sylvestre is a woody, vine-like plant which climbs on bushes and trees in the Dr.Kumar Pati, Best Nutrition, USA describes, Western Ghats in South India, and to the west of those mountains in the territory around the coastal city of Goa.
Jun 09, 2010
Dr.Kumar Pati, CEO, Biotechayur, India, Describes, East-Indian screw tree is a sub-deciduous shrub or small tree with grey colored bark. Leaves simple, serrate margin, scabrous above and pubescent beneath