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Bruel and Kjaer UK Press releases

251 - 260 of 281 Press Releases

Apr 16, 2009
Brüel & Kjær introduces the new Noise Monitoring Terminal 3639-A/B

Apr 07, 2009
Testing the seriously hazardous effects from vehicle seat and floor vibration is now much simpler with Brüel & Kjær’s new SEAT measurement software for its 4447 Human Vibration meter.

Mar 16, 2009
Brüel & Kjær Assists University’s Environmental Project

Mar 03, 2009
Measuring interior space sound is now much simpler with the release of Bruel & Kjaer’s latest application software for its 2250 ad 2270 sound level meters.

Feb 12, 2009
Brüel & Kjær launch latest Microphone and Accelerometer catalogues

Feb 09, 2009
Providing world-class Environment Management Solutions

Jan 20, 2009
Until now accelerometers designed for use with a constant current power supply have been limited to a maximum temperature in the order of 120-125°C

Jan 12, 2009
Bruel & Kjaer UK launch 2009 training calendar

Dec 17, 2008
Spectris plc announces that it has completed the acquisition of LDS Test and Measurement

Dec 09, 2008
Brüel & Kjær assist New Zealand based wind farm project

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