Sep 10, 2010
This post is in honor of all who sacrifice and serve for the good of the many. At this time, our community of Boulder, Colorado is in day five of the Fourmile Fire, the worst fire in Boulder County history, and as of this post, 6,385 acres...
Sep 09, 2010
Award-Winning Mind, Body & Spirit Author and Two-Time Cancer-Survivor Seth David Chernoff is guest lecturer at the Boulder Bookstore, Tuesday, October 12th, 2010 at 7:30pm, in Boulder, Colorado, where he will talk about the Meaning of Life.
Sep 05, 2010
Why do some of us persevere, and others who simply give up? There are those of us who will give anything to achieve our dreams, and others who would give anything to stay on the couch.
Aug 24, 2010
Why do people die from infection and disease if the body was naturally designed to prevent it? Why do we suffer discomfort and pain, even to the point that the pain itself is sometimes more potent and powerful than our interest to live?
Jul 26, 2010
In life, it is natural for us to be faced with emotional hardship, physical pain, mental anguish, or even spiritual apathy. Yet in the face of these challenges and the associated fear, there are those of us who cower – and others who embrace the ..
Jul 12, 2010
Authorities reported yesterday that a man (an extremely lucky man) fell 500 feet in his 1990 Toyota Hatchback and SURVIVED. Lest we forget, he was reportedly DRUNK at the time. Yes, he fell the equivalent of 50 stories...
Jun 22, 2010
In his award-winning new book, A Manual for Living: Reality, A User's Guide to the Meaning of Life, he offers straightforward guidance for achieving lasting happiness, overcoming fear of death and finding true purpose.
Jun 07, 2010
In case you haven’t heard of it, Mountain Pine Beetle (MBP as it is affectionately called) is ravishing much of our pine forests in North America. MPB is expected to wipe out 80% of the forests in British Columbia by 2013
Apr 09, 2010
Every morning when we get up, we have the opportunity to repeat the pitfalls of yesterday, or to start anew. The current state of our life is not a coincidence; it is the refined result of a lifetime of choices.
Mar 19, 2010
It makes no difference whether you are Republican or Democrat, Libertarian or Independent. We have big problems in this country, and yet again it appears that nobody is willing to step up and get our problems resolved.