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Manual For Living Press releases

51 - 60 of 71 Press Releases

Feb 21, 2010
The ultimate display of beauty, the pursuit of perfection, perseverance, and dedication is here – the winter Olympics. Regardless of whether you believe they represent a tremendous waste of money...

Feb 08, 2010
Last week I attended the funeral of the wife of a dear friend of mine…who had passed away after a very strenuous bout of cancer – something I am only too familiar with. It was such an amazing and beautiful ceremony...

Jan 10, 2010
It’s that time of year again, the beginning of a new year when everyone is trying to “reinvent” themselves, making resolutions that should have been made long ago.

Nov 17, 2009
How significant is this moment? Let me provide you with some incredible statistics: Around the year 1900 there were 1.6 Billion people on the earth. NOW there is a total population of the world at just under 6.8 BILLION. In JUST the last 1 minute...

Nov 03, 2009
USA Today came out with a study recently finding that “Mental Happiness” improves with age. Oddly enough my perceptions are just the opposite, at least for the most part. Regardless of our age, here are 12 simple ways to increase your happiness:

Oct 10, 2009
Following our popular post on our TOXIC WORLD and GLOBAL WARMING, until we get our pollution problem under control, perhaps we can start with what we CAN control, with that which is within our reach – OUR DIET. FOODS THAT CAUSE CANCER.

Sep 17, 2009
13% of the human race WILL DIE FROM CANCER THIS YEAR, and another 7% has been diagnosed with cancer but is currently surviving. Do you think there is any correlation between the toxicity of our planet and the global incidence of cancer?

Sep 05, 2009
Whom among us is truly enlightened, and how do we know? How Enlightened are YOU? How do you REALLY know if you are enlightened? Take the Enlightenment Quiz! Take your time…ten questions…followed by the recommended answer for the enlightened

Aug 16, 2009
Codependency, Choice, Taking Responsibility and Helping Ourselves How do we help those who are unwilling to help themselves? When we help those in need, are we in essence enabling them…?

Jul 27, 2009
Why is it a conflict of interest when someone among us, a religious leader or self-proclaimed “spiritual teacher”, becomes “enlightened” and then charges exorbitant sums of money for their services, often at the expense of their devotees?

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