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Moment to Moment Enterprises Press releases

81 - 90 of 113 Press Releases

Nov 28, 2010
Dr. Russ Buss reminds us that "Christmas spirit" is derived from a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a time when the religious and non-religious alike can experience joy of rebirth, new awakenings and beginnings; resist "Holiday Blues.

Nov 26, 2010
Dr. Russ Buss has listed eleven tips to beat the "Holiday Blues." Whether its stress related to finding the perfect gift, lack of finances, too much to do, or sadness related to memories of a loss or absence of a loved one, these tips will help.

Nov 24, 2010
Dr. Russ Buss asks: "Are you are going to line up at 3am on Black Friday for those incredible post Thanksgiving Day deals called "Door Busters." He shares these Dr. Russ "Bussters" to help you prepare for the inevitable disapppointment.

Nov 23, 2010
Dr. Russ Buss has composed his version of "A Pilgrim's Prayer of Optimism" based on historical accounts of the first Thanksgiving. He encourages readers to use and adapt all or portions of the prayer for the saying of Grace at Thanksgiving Dinner.

Nov 22, 2010
Dr. Russ Buss has released ten original and quotable quotes called "Bussterisms." Post these in a prominent place at home or work and use one each day to keep the fuel in your holiday optimism tank.

Nov 18, 2010
Dr. Russ asks if you are prepared for the diversity and differences that will be at your family's table of 12 or more next week. He offers these tips for finding optimism around the Turkey Day dinner table by focusing on tolerance and acceptance.

Nov 08, 2010
Dr. Russ Buss has composed ten new and original quotable "Bussterrific" quotes to help you have a great day. Learn to stand tall with optimism and make your dreams come true. No more need to linger in the lackluster depths of pessimistic thinking.

Nov 04, 2010
Dr. Russ Buss describes ten strategies to escape from a moment of mental misery. Be free to set and pursue your optimistic goals the rest of the day. Learn how to let the little setbacks of every day become new opportunities for the sun to shine.

Nov 02, 2010
Dr. Russ Buss encourages everyone to vote because the act of voting is a vote for OPTIMISM. Drawing on a Yahoo/ABC News poll about optimism in the electorate he shows that voting is not about winning but about expressing the optimism of free choice.

Nov 01, 2010
Dr. Russ Buss offers up six tips to help fire up your optimism to vote, pull the lever tomorrow. His key point is that the optimism of voting is not about the outcome but exists in the simple act of casting a ballot.

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