Oct 14, 2013
As the EBT card glitch highlighted the tipping point of social chaos in America the masters keep talking recovery on the talking box? Preperations are being made behind the scenes for a breakdown of the banking system, should you prepare yourself?
Sep 23, 2013
Now that QE taper talk is a thing fo the past, we should better understand who is pumping the bubble recovery & where they get their authority from. Once we understand the Fed is a private for profit bank things begin to go in a different direction.
Sep 09, 2013
As we watch the Syria circus on TV the banks are rushing to corner the gold & silver market before the 'flight to quality' rush begins. Sept. for 6 decades has been the worst month for stock losses & this year will out do anything seen in DOW history
Sep 03, 2013
The FED boasts about controlling inflation through the bailouts & QE infinity, but its pretty easy when you forbid a single dollar from being lent to mainstreet. Soon enough this wave of inflation will wash over & change the landscape of the nation.
Aug 26, 2013
The recovery hype is quickly fading as the global economy begins to crumble. The bullion banks are rapidly covering their shorts ahead of the explosion in precious metals before investors panic & run towards hard asset hedges like gold & silver.
Aug 19, 2013
The banking cartel's paper gold smash used to cover their naked shorts before the gold & silver explosion has caused much confusion. Those in the know are stocking up on discounted bullion ahead of the greatest wealth transfer the world has known.
Aug 12, 2013
Since JPM has shed the Bear Sterns legacy 75K contract $19 naked silver short, Wall Street is rushing in to secure the limited future supply of gold & silver. The average Joe risks bank bailins & inflation which is why they too are rushing to metals!
Jul 29, 2013
The Fed is backed into a corner & trying to seduce the markets w/ talks of taper in advance of trillions of USD returned to the US by the end of the year. Global markets tanked & metal demand skyrocketed, use this as a foreshadow of what is to come!
Jul 22, 2013
As we are trained to watch the DOW bubble like a cat stalking a laser dot on the wall, the banks are scrambling to hedge their balance sheets w/ physical bullion & shorting stocks & bonds like never before. They are prepping for a global shockwave!
Jul 15, 2013
The suits on TV are giving cover to the bankers who are artificially pushing down paper gold prices in order to help them get out of their legacy COMEX shorts & scoop up all the ETF collateral they can all while telling you to sell your gold & silver