Jun 10, 2013
Talking heads are tingling w/ joy as they claim the housing market is recovering, the truth is wealthy investors & hedge funds are setting up rental income in preparation of the next stock market correction that will desimate the wealth of the nation
Jun 03, 2013
For decades the FED could export inflation worldwide & dump it on the third world. China who controls 2/3 of US manufacturing is now demaning payment in their currency, shutting down the USD with almost 150 countries, The result is inflation at home.
May 28, 2013
Wonder where the trillions of QE dollars have gone? They have been funneled to the top 5% who have bought up thousands of foreclosed homes for pennies on the dollar creating rental income to supplement dividends when the DOW bubble begins to deflate!
May 13, 2013
The richest men in America are dumping US stocks at unprecedented rates, while telling you the bubble will go on forever? Should you begin to hedge your investments by acquiring physical precious metals such as gold & silver bullion? They are!
May 06, 2013
Cyprus has shown the world that banks & govt.s will do anything to stay afloat. Shifting to hard assets to avoid being collateralized by what comes next will eventually create a panicked race to acquire a finite resource, gold & silver. Why wait?
Apr 30, 2013
Bank holidays are back & Europeans are told if their bank fails its their personal problem, the truth is coming clear. Trillions of dollars have been created to inflate bubbles which will soon pop leaving the people of the world to hold the bag again
Apr 16, 2013
Now that bank holidays have been executed, emergency wealth confiscation plans are being greenlighted by western govt.s worldwide to protect the banks. Once this begins stock markets could tumble & the frenzy will ensue unless you own precious metals
Apr 08, 2013
Bank bailouts have evolved from govt.'s handing out future tax dollars, to the banks now at their own discretion confiscating private pensions & bank deposits without warning.
Apr 01, 2013
The consequences of the global race to debase all fiat currencies is destroying the value of all currencies.
Mar 25, 2013
While the Cypriot banks have seized the deposits of all customers, the "deciders" are picking who will be bankrupted in order to save the insolvent banks.