Sep 13, 2010
There are a number of offshore jurisdictions from which an international corporation can obtain licensure to market investments. An offshore investment marketing business starts with seeing the opportunity and satisfying a few easy requirements.
Sep 13, 2010
Offshore investments commonly provide a higher rate of return on investment, lower overall taxation, and less cumbersome regulation than investment in an individual’s or corporation’s country of origin.
Sep 12, 2010
A useful choice for offshore investments is an asset manager located in an offshore jurisdiction. The need for such an individual or company can arise as a result of the successful choice of offshore vehicles in tax advantaged jurisdictions.
Sep 12, 2010
New Zealand offers the investor many opportunities. This article looks at traditional "onshore" investments in this democratic country versus "offshore" opportunities provided for in New Zealand law.
Sep 12, 2010
A means of providing offshore banking services with limited capital requirements is to start a New Zealand Offshore Financial company. This sort of organization functions as an offshore bank except that it does not operate under banking law.
Sep 11, 2010
The point of a tax haven is to legitimately save money on taxes. Tax havens come in a variety of sizes and shapes including jurisdictions that do not tax foreign investment and countries that offer incentives for offshore investment.
Sep 08, 2010
In doing business offshore an individual or corporation will commonly take advantage to legal structures of ownership and management just as they would in their country of origin
Sep 08, 2010
A very useful legal vehicle for passing wealth to ones heirs without going through probate is an asset protection trust. Used in an offshore setting this asset protection vehicle has gained in popularity
Sep 08, 2010
Making a profit as an offshore Forex broker depends upon gaining clients, running an efficient business, keeping costs down, and operating in such a way as to legally reduce tax burden. It is possible to obtain government issued licensure
Sep 07, 2010
There are a number of offshore asset protection solutions that stand out from the rest. These are an NZOFC, a Panama Private Interest Foundation, and opening an offshore Forex company.