Sep 07, 2010
Opening an offshore bank account will commonly allow you to bank your hard earned money in the currency of your choice. Depending upon your wishes you can bank in Swiss francs, Euros, Canadian dollars, British pound sterling, or the US dollar.
Sep 07, 2010
Offshore bank accounts are available to anyone who is interested. You can open an offshore bank account in any of a large number of offshore jurisdictions. Banking offshore can have distinct tax advantages.
Sep 07, 2010
Why are more investors risking investment capital offshore from their countries of origin? Investors are seeking investment opportunities in unfamiliar but potentially very profitable settings because of the restriction of working "back home."
Sep 07, 2010
In a world of increasingly heart conscious consumers the consumption of olive oil doubled between 1990 and 2000 and according to authorities will likely have doubled again by 2020. To keep up with demand more olive trees need to be planted.
Sep 07, 2010
The Spanish company, Espacios Verdes, is participating in a million hectare project to plant olive trees in Algeria.
Sep 07, 2010
An excellent investment opportunity planting olive trees and making olive oil in Algeria is taking advantage of the disparity between growing olive oil consumption and production capacity.
Sep 06, 2010
The olive has a long history in the Mediterranean Basin. Now the oil is seen increasingly in kitchens and on tables across the world.
Sep 06, 2010
An important factor in the need for increased olive oil production is that prompt milling is necessary for export quality oil.
Sep 06, 2010
As new producers enter the market for making and distributing export quality olive oil there are a number of attractive areas for investment.
Sep 06, 2010
The increasing consumption of olive oil is outstripping production capacity. An excellent set of business opportunities exist along the supply chain from olive orchard to international distribution of export quality olive oils from new producers.