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Natural Sleep Secrets 03 Press releases

61 - 70 of 95 Press Releases

Dec 22, 2010
Years ago, if you couldn't sleep, you'd see your doctor and get some sleeping pills.

Dec 22, 2010
If you're finding it hard to get out of bed and face the challenges of the day you may be suffering from symptoms of depression and insomnia.

Dec 22, 2010
Sleep is a periodic resting condition of the body, especially the nervous system and there is a natural rotation of sleeping and waking every twenty-four hours.

Dec 22, 2010
We have all experienced a poor nights sleep, but what exactly is insomnia? Insomnia is when we persistently have difficulty getting a good night sleep even though nothing is specifically stopping us.

Dec 22, 2010
Did you realize that women are twice as likely as men to have sleep disorders? Women are known to have frequent sleep problems during their reproductive years.

Dec 20, 2010
The wait is often a source of anxiety... how not to have peaks of anxiety when we must wait for 9 months!

Dec 20, 2010
* CPAP/ BiPAP unit has an electrically operated generator, which uses a blower to open and maintain the airflow necessary for treatment.

Dec 20, 2010
Sleep apnea is thought to be a silent killer with millions of people affected by the condition in the USA alone.

Dec 20, 2010
Sleep apnea if untreated, not only affects your restful night's sleep, but also can cause serious health issues.

Dec 20, 2010
Alternative therapies for sleep apnea focus to promote natural ways, to provide relief from sleep apnea.

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