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Tax Lien Press releases

71 - 80 of 109 Press Releases

Aug 29, 2014
On Wednesday September 3 at 8:30pm Joanne Musa, The Tax Lien Lady, will be hosting a free call to give everyone a peak into Tax Lien Lady's members area.

Jun 07, 2014
Joanne Musa, of announces a free webinar training next week with her friend Larry Goins, who has a system to buy a $5,000 house nobody else wants and make more money from it than most investors make from a $100,000 property.

Jun 07, 2014
The Tax Deed Sales home study course has just been updated with another video tutorial for the New York and Louisiana online tax deed sales. The course is available for only $97 at

Jun 03, 2014
Tax Lien Investing Secrets: How You Can Get Double Digit Returns on Your Money Without The Risk of the Stock Market is the title of a new book in the Kindle Store on Amazon by Joanne Musa, The Tax Lien Lady. The book is split into 3 parts.

Apr 25, 2014
On Wednesday, May 7th at 8:30pm eastern, Joanne Musa, The Tax Lien Lady will be hosting a free webinar. Her guest will be Ray Kaderli of Results Realty, Inc.

Apr 01, 2014
Rumor has it that tax lien investing is dead and that the small investor just can't compete in anymore....  The truth is that tax lien investing is not as profitable as it once was, the way some experts are teaching investors how to do it.

Mar 31, 2014
Joanne Musa, The Tax Lien Lady, has just updated her 99 cent Kindle book for 2014. The book was first published in 2012, but she wasn’t completely happy with it. So Joanne added a little information to the book and changed the title.

Mar 27, 2014
Ever dreamt about owning property in California or investing in California tax deeds? How would you like to learn a system for making a huge profit on California properties without bidding at the tax sale? Find out more on a free webinar on Wednesday,...

Feb 28, 2014
Please join us on Wednesday March 5, at 8:30pm Eastern as Kathe Bettis demonstrates Tax Lien Manager™ in a complimentary webinar. This webinar will be recorded so that live attendance is not required.

Feb 18, 2014
“Tax Lien Investing Is Dead… And What You Can Do About It! Rumor has it that tax lien investing is deed and that the small investor just can’t compete in today’s market.

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