Aug 01, 2015
Never hesitate to expose self weakness to yourself. It isnot disgraceful to see weakness and work on things you know you are weak at. It is the beginning of strength and wisdom.Here is my story...
Jul 27, 2015
New laws of Gravity, friction, and levity under water for maximum speed and power is the most powerful form of strength and conditioning for optimum athletic performance.
Sep 01, 2014
Within few days I started losing weight!...Hard work and the right training paid off!. As the weeks went on 10 lbs became 20 lbs, and 20 lbs. became 30 lbs then 30 became 40!..Here I am today 45 lbs lighter and stronger!
Aug 30, 2014
Within few days I started losing weight!...Hard work and the right training paid off!. As the weeks went on 10 lbs became 20 lbs, and 20 lbs. became 30 lbs then 30 became 40!..Here I am today 45 lbs lighter and stronger!
May 11, 2014
It's been incredible after my transformation! I had no idea the confident, self-assured, and tenacious person I had hiding inside. I honestly feel that there's nothing that I can't do if I put my mind to it.
May 09, 2014
I was so out of shape, by the time I finished, my entire body was shaking and all my muscles were quivering. Each subsequent workout got easier and I began to enjoy the workouts.
Apr 27, 2014
I was so out of shape, by the time I finished, my entire body was shaking and all my muscles were quivering. Each subsequent workout got easier and I began to enjoy the workouts.
Oct 17, 2013
After my amazing transformation my new diet consist of lean meats, whole wheat and gluten free foods, grilled chicken, fruits, and vegetables. The results came quick as I dropped an amazing 30 pounds.
May 10, 2013
I am in politics and in order to be an effective leader in my field, I must be healthy and feel good, but I , like so many others, didn't realize that until I had already lost the good health I had. That was my breaking point!
Feb 08, 2013
The exercise program and eating regiment that I am following, has helped offset the water retention side effects of the chemotherapy. I have learned the importance of lifting weights and keeping my body functional.