Aug 01, 2011
Ryan Carbosiero, attentive, passionate. He is the new trainer at Shapes R In! Among Ryan’s additional skills is his ability to target muscle groups using cardio-core training, plyometric training, muscle confusion techniques and many others!
Jul 29, 2011
There is a decrease of about 10 percent by age 50. From 50 to 80 muscle mass drops quickly, about 45% in that time frame. Here is How to reverse the process!
Jul 15, 2011
When the muscles like; outer core (erector spine, rectus abdominis, obliques, glutes, etc.) have been excessively engaged in activities we are essentially exceeding the norm. Here are four steps that will protect your lower back for life!
Jul 15, 2011
The core of the body is responsible for supporting the back, spine and shoulders. Your body's ability to generate strength and power originate in the very core of it. Strong core will transfer strength and power to all other muscles.
Jul 03, 2011
To lose one pound, you have to burn 3,500 calories. Therefore, if you break it down. To lose a pound a week, do an hour each day of any of these activities that burns an extra 500 calories!
Jun 23, 2011
These 5 exercises can be done at home or in a gym with nothing more than a set of dumbbells and bands! This full body workout is the answer to help you incinerate fat in as little as 20 minutes!.
Jun 12, 2011
It is possible to lose weight just by cutting down on calories or just by exercising, but the most effective and healthy way to lose weight is to do both. I have a multi-step plan to help you achieve this goal!
Jun 05, 2011
Having over 1000 documented transformed bodies and life style changed DOCUMENTED stories, and couple of Master Science degrees I earned. Gives me a carte blanche to make some clear and solid suggestions on the subject.
May 30, 2011
Jody Shaw provides all aspects of training including floor work, weight loss, body fat analysis, free weights, fitness programs for children and agility training.
May 28, 2011
The whole meaning here is to make you healthier and fitter and some starve diets combined with 5 miles of daily running or walking will only destroy you both, mentally and physically.