Jul 06, 2011
Experienced meeting planning team results in another successful international conference.
Jun 08, 2011
Experience with small international associations key to decision.
May 24, 2011
Over 750 pounds of donations collected and provided to tornado victims.
May 11, 2011
Prime Management Services continues to provide the latest web features and effective design and navigation to membership association web sites.
Apr 27, 2011
Strong turnout for Society's first meeting ever in New York City.
Mar 02, 2011
“Patient-centered CME: from a Local to a Global Perspective” will explore changes in the dynamic of the delivery of healthcare in North America and the important role of CME as a tool in promoting better quality and efficiency within that system.
Feb 22, 2011
Suppliers from throughout the United States and Canada participated in a large trade show that included social media training and interactive components.
Feb 02, 2011
Locally owned business is proud to support the local economy by bringing trade shows and conferences to the Birmingham area.
Jan 19, 2011
National Council of State Boards of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology selects Prime Management Services to provide business administration and management work.
Jan 05, 2011
Making the decision to hire an AMC, or any staff member, can be difficult. This release contains some thoughts on the subject for consideration.