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Prime Management Services Press releases

51 - 54 of 54 Press Releases

Aug 09, 2010
Strong results despite a slow economy have allowed both organizations to focus on growth.

Jul 30, 2010
Prime Management Services and Gold Star Wives of America are pleased to continue their working relationship that has lasted over a decade helping both organizations to grow and thrive.

Jun 28, 2010
Prime Management Services, an association management company, assisted KOA Care Camps raise over $250,000 over the Memorial Day weekend, and over $345,000 in 2010 to be distributed to 43 cancer camps in the United States and Canada.

Jun 23, 2010
Prime Management Services managed the 2nd Human Dimension Conference of Wildland Fire for the International Association of Wildland Fire, in San Antonio, Texas, April 25-29, 2010, with over 120 attendees present.

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