Pro Pharma Pharmaceutical Consultants, Inc. Press releases
Jun 16, 2015
Improving efficiency and quality through analytics, the key is turning raw data into meaningful information
Jun 04, 2015
“Specialty Medication in Today’s Healthcare Environment” is now available for free download in both video and pdf format.
May 21, 2015
Organizations are focusing more on utilizing relevant internal data and multiple resources to develop in-house analytical expertise, versus outsourcing
May 07, 2015
“Introducing students to their role as a Pharmacist in the healthcare community can be the on of the most rewarding and satisfying experiences of your professional career”, states Dr. Craig Stern, President of Pro Pharma
Apr 13, 2015
“Specialty Medication in Today’s Healthcare Environment,” an exclusive webinar presented by Craig Stern, PharmD, MBA.
Apr 08, 2015
Pro Pharma Announces Specialty Drug Decision Making Tool: More Than 20 Years of Experience -- Pro Pharma JCode Calculator™ is a complete and exhaustive Resource Guide of HCPCS/CPT codes, including all drug specific codes, including FDA Alerts.
Mar 25, 2015
The majority of healthcare organizations identify that analytics is a global industry weakness. Pro Pharma’s Analytical Team (29 years of experience) provides analytical expertise and solutions for managing Healthcare Medical & Pharmacy Benefit
Feb 18, 2015
Monitoring of Medicaid/Medicare benefits require timely interventions, including MAC compliance with State Medicaid MAC and the federal FUL. Part D variance in claim adjudication must be corrected more timely to avoid unnecessary penalties
Feb 03, 2015
Major price changes in Specialty Injectables for 2013 vs. 2014
Dec 09, 2014
Pro Pharma’s Invoice Screens™ including Part D Workbook™ tracks all elements of Part D: every invoice monthly, quarterly, and yearly to ensure that clients are aware of Part D non-compliance in Claim Adjudication- almost as fast as it happens