Feb 23, 2020
Dear Mike Bloomberg, While appearing on a bipartisan voters panel on Fox News, I was asked, what I would say if we met on an elevator - "Before I tried to change America, I'd change myself since one must first start from within in order to begin a..
Feb 22, 2020
On January 2018, Jose Franco feared self-complacency was no longer an option and started collecting signatures to run for US President in 2020. Regardless of ethnicity, how you see yourself is a choice.
Dec 06, 2019
"How To Get Better At Things You Don't Think You're Bad At By 2020" is a much needed book in a time many of us find it easier to destroy than to build, to criticize than to create
Nov 24, 2019
The Brooklyn Juice Man Wants To Help Elect Michael Bloomberg US President
Nov 16, 2019
The Entrepreneurial Web New Episode: The owner of Park Slope Brooklyn's Stoop Juice tells Host Jeremiah Fox He Blames Gary Vaynerchuk for running for US President in 2020.
Nov 10, 2019
Today, more people of color in America, should be self reflecting in order for each of us to make our own way in the world. We should rejoice as we visualize the rebirth of the American people.
Oct 31, 2019
It could be said, Jose Franco's distractedness is obvious by the time and effort he devotes seeking validation and social capital fighting external uncertainties.
Oct 24, 2019
American Presidents have been a fixture at MLB World Series for as long as the game has been around. Rosevelt, Wilson, FDR and all US Presidents who've followed, have taken part in the game's pageantry.
Oct 19, 2019
Despite pressure from both Republicans and Democrats, Facebook and Twitter hasn't removed free e-book titled "How To Get Better At Things You Don't Think You're Bad At By 2020".
Sep 19, 2019
Jose Franco's book brings attention to the things we don't think we're bad at, helps individuals work through the unconscious resistance