Knobull,Inc. Press releases
Oct 08, 2023
Lynn Bentley, President of Knobull announced, "The internet has shaken up how we do business. But in many ways, old-school rules and skills still apply. Networking is one of those skills that will never go away.
Oct 02, 2023
Lynn Bentley, President of Knobull reported, "Not all times of the year are equal when it comes to seeking out a new job.
Sep 23, 2023
Lynn Bentley, President of Knobull reported, "For much of 2023, we've been left to deal with a cooling job market after its two-year post-pandemic surge. Job openings have gone down.
Sep 17, 2023
Lynn Bentley, President of Knobull reported, "We've all heard the effusive statements from people who work in AI. It's a friend, not a foe, many insist.
Sep 11, 2023
Lynn Bentley, President of Knobull announced, "It's inevitable that at some point in our careers, we will find ourselves facing the average person's number one fear!." According to LinkedIn's "2023 Most In-Demand Skills", "communication" was high on the..
Sep 08, 2023
Lynn Bentley, President of Knobull announced, "If you want to improve your finances without a major overhaul, the following changes can help:" Create a budget A budget is a fundamental step if you want to effectively manage your finances.
Sep 02, 2023
Your LinkedIn profile is a billboard for your career — to attract potential employers, it needs to be eye-catching and informative.
Aug 28, 2023
Lynn Bentley, President of Academic Search Engine Knobull reports, "Distraction is inevitable at work.
Aug 20, 2023
Could you wait seven weeks to start a new job? That's how long it's taking job seekers to go from submitting an application to their first day of work, according to new research by LinkedIn.
Aug 13, 2023
Maybe you've dreamed of a career change, too, but don't know where to start. Lynn Bentley, President of Knobull, helps students and recent grads determine How to Change Careers.