Feb 11, 2011
GN solids control designed and manufactured slurry separation system for TBM project. Until now we have existing proposal for GN250 & GN400 slurry separation system.
Jan 14, 2011
Mud tank fluid level sensor also called fluid level gauge, fluid level meter, content gauge, they are units which serve to monitor and control the level of operating fluid.
Jan 07, 2011
Drill pipe is a component of drilling rig, the list of drilling rig components also include mud tank, shale shaker, mud pump,etc solids control equipments.
Dec 25, 2010
Mud mixing pump in drilling fluids system can be called jet mud mixer also. It can be called one centrifugal pump it's combined with hopper and pump. Holding the feature of configuration and mixing on drilling mud.
Dec 18, 2010
The brief introduction on drilling mud and solids in the drilling fluids. Know better on solids control will get better well drilling. We need to know more on drilling mud solids separation and get ideal solution on drilling mud equipments selection
Dec 08, 2010
Centrifugal pump have many types or divisions. Such as divided by direction including horizontal type, vertical type. Also the oil seal pump and mechanical seal pump. For drilling mud processing, the mechanical seal will be more durable and reliable
Dec 02, 2010
The solid fluid separation equipments can be used in o&g drilling, mining, HDD, diamond drilling, etc. The treating capacity and the medium will be different. Working condition decides difference on drilling fluid or drill cuttings
Nov 27, 2010
Desilter can be said third stage solids control equipment for drilling fluid. It is usually used after Desander. And separat particle sized 15~47microns.ZQJ Desilter is rather popular.GN is China famous manufacturer on drilling fluid equipments.
Nov 18, 2010
500GPM mud sytem means the whole system holding treating capacity 500GPM. Or 110m3/h. This system used in HDD fluids processing. Its main purpose is do recirculation for HDD mud.
Nov 08, 2010
The balanced elliptical shale shaker considered as the latest generation shale shaker. There are so many manufacturers. The famous one is NOV Brandt, also GN Solids Control. They have different model called GNPS, and VSM 300