Nov 03, 2010
Oil well drilling fluids system usually called 4 stages solids control system or 5 stages purification system. According to former development on oil/gas well drilling, also different requirements the fluids system is always various
Oct 28, 2010
FL1000 Dredged slurry separation system is customized for Jiangsu Environmental company for clean the Lake Tai. It can do the first 3 stage processing for the slurry in the water. GN Solids Control is appointed manufacturer by them
Oct 23, 2010
Mud gas separator is also called poor boy degasser. This one is for Mozambique o&g company. They like the support leg type. The height is adjustable. It can be elivated when necessary and can be lowed down when the drilling condition change
Oct 16, 2010
2 sets HDD mud cleaning system were exported few days ago. The 2 systems are repeat order from 1 Korean HDD contractor. They ever bought HDD mud recycling system holding 400GPM treating capacity.
Oct 09, 2010
Mud flow divider for shale shaker can be called flow line distribution. It is equivalance of buffle box for single shale shaker. The mud flow divider is usually used in tandem shale shaker of deep oil well drilling mud system. GN is manufacturer
Oct 02, 2010
Tandem shale shaker is popular with quantities clients. Thanks to its huge treating capacity, and compact constructure for convenient transportation and easy operation. Work over system doesn't need as much treating capacity as well drilling system
Sep 25, 2010
Mud gun did not require electric power, while mud agitator will be electric one for mixing or agitating drilling mud. Mud agitators and mud guns usually will be used together for oil rigs mud system. Moreover, mud agitator is also called mud mixer.
Sep 09, 2010
Submersilbe slurry pump usually used as feeding pump. Commonly, in many HDD mud system, there will be mud pit for original drilling mud storage. So there should be a submersible slurry pump as feeding pump for Shale shaker
Sep 01, 2010
Derrick DP600 Shale shaker is highly popular with world users, while GNPS Shaker is balanced elliptical motion, can be said advanced type for solids control; Mi-Swaco Mongoose holds Dual motion shaker as flexible solution for drilling mud systems,
Aug 26, 2010
Drilling mud equipments to Thailand are customized for the clients specially. Including poor boy degasser, vacuum degasser, centrifugal pump, mud mixer to Thailand. Pleased to say, they are GN repeat customer in Thailand.