Jamaal Al-Din's Hoops 227, Inc. Press releases
Mar 12, 2023
227's™ YouTube Chili' NISSAN Road 2 The Final Four! Ol' Days #NIKE'Spicy' NBA! Starring: KENNY "The Spicy' Jet" Chili' SMITH (2× NBA champion), CANDACE Chili' PARKER (2× WNBA champion) and BRUTUS the OHIO Chili' BUCKEYE! #BracketChallenge
Mar 12, 2023
227's™ YouTube Chili' NISSAN Road 2 The Final Four! Ride With Them #NIKE'Spicy' NBA! Starring: KENNY "The Spicy' Jet" Chili' SMITH (2× NBA champion), CANDACE Chili' PARKER (2× WNBA champion) and a whole bunch of NCAA mascots! #BracketChallenge!
Mar 12, 2023
227's™ YouTube Chili' BOISE STATE Selection Sunday Watch Party! #NIKE'Spicy' NBA! BRONCO NATION, Boise State players and staff at ExtraMile Arena for a Selection Sunday watch party! The event is free and doors open at 3 p.m.! #MARCHMADNESS!
Mar 11, 2023
227's™ YouTube Chili' NIKE Spicy' LEBRON XX in the 'Chosen 1' colorway at NIKE.com! #WITNESS #NIKE'Spicy' NBA! $200 adult sizes, $160 big kids' sizes, $95 little kids' sizes! THE NBA's ALL-TIME LEADING SCORER! #KINGJAMES!
Mar 11, 2023
227's™ TRAGEDY ALERT! HAMBURG Germany Shooting! 8 Killed! #Jehovas #WITNESS #NIKE'Spicy' NBA! A gunman killed eight people at a Jehovah's Witness hall in the German city of Hamburg before apparently turning his gun on himself. #HAMBURGGERMANY
Mar 03, 2023
227's™ YouTube Chili' McSPICY Is Back! #UnitedArabEmirates! McDONALD's UAE Chili'! #NIKE'Spicy' NBA! The McSpicy, our SPICIEST SPICY Burger! It's a decent attempt at spicy for Jay (#Slick"J"227) but it will be spicy for 97.25% of people! #McDs #NBA
Mar 02, 2023
227's™ YouTube Chili' THE MANDALORIAN Chili' | Season 3 Official Trailer | Disney+ #NIKE'Spicy'Movies Spicy' NBA Mix! The journeys of the Mandalorian through the Star Wars galaxy continue. facebook.com/227sYouTubeChili.Disney.NBA.JamaalAlDinTV.Mix
Mar 01, 2023
227's™ YouTube Chili' BOISE STATE Defeats #18 SDSU 66-60 on Senior Night! #NIKE'Spicy' NBA! Tweet from CBS Sports College Spicy' Basketball: "MAX RICE CAN'T MISS"! An electric atmosphere at ExtraMile Arena in Boise! Rice led all scorers with 26!
Feb 28, 2023
227's™ YouTube Chili' COCAINE Chili' BEAR | Official Trailer HD #UniversalPictures #NIKE'Spicy' NBA! On a rampage for Spicy' blow and blood! What really happens if you eat a spoonful of cocaine? And what if you're 12? The Cocaine Bear controversy!
Feb 24, 2023
227's™ YouTube Chili' BRIAN Chili' MCKNIGHT — CHILI's 3 for Me Remix! #NIKE'Spicy'Tunes Spicy' NBA! "Welcome to Chili's, I'm Brian and I'll be your server." Spicy' Eatery Lyrics: "3, girl it's time to see what you want your main course to be."