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Office Assistants Press releases

111 - 120 of 240 Press Releases

Dec 04, 2015
If you’re packing in a hurry for a business trip, use this at-a-glance guide to make sure you don’t miss anything essential.

Dec 04, 2015
The Government has announced that there will be no annual increase in various types of statutory pay in 2016.

Dec 04, 2015
Christmas always tends to throw up all sorts of issues where annual leave, discipline and discrimination are concerned. Here Essex bookkeepers Office Assistants discuss what employers should be doing to make their workplace Christmas a peaceful one.

Oct 31, 2015
Competition law promotes or seeks to maintain market competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct amongst companies. Any company that fails to comply with UK or EU competition law will meet with serious consequences.

Oct 31, 2015
Employee Referral Schemes have become increasingly popular UK-wide and, says the Institute of Personnel and Development, 47% of UK companies run them.

Oct 31, 2015
The very recent major website cyber breach suffered by TalkTalk has left businesses exceptionally worried. And with the increasing use of the cloud to store confidential data and information, it is no wonder.

Oct 09, 2015
If you employ lone workers, or any of your staff may be at particular risk, maybe because they are in contact with potentially violent behaviour or they work late at night or early in the morning, then the following information may prove useful.

Oct 09, 2015
As of April 2016, notional 10% tax credit on dividends will be abolished. Instead there will be a £5,000 tax-free dividend allowance with dividends above this level taxed at three different rates.

Oct 09, 2015
As an employer offering remote working, you will enjoy numerous benefits, but there are a lot of considerations to take into account, from data protection and insurance to health and safety.

Sep 06, 2015
If you rent out a spare room, whether to a lodger or to holiday or business travellers, there is good news in store.

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