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Office Assistants Press releases

121 - 130 of 240 Press Releases

Sep 06, 2015
Logos form a significant part of the marketing armoury because they allow people to instantly recognise a business. With this in mind, it may come as something of a surprise that in some cases, companies don’t actually own their own logos.

Sep 06, 2015
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) says that around 2.1 million adults in the UK use e-cigarettes, which raises the question of whether or not a company’s smoking policy should differentiate between the use of traditional and e-cigarettes,

Aug 08, 2015
The July budget headline that mortgage interest relief for private landlords is to be restricted to the basic rate of income tax has perhaps overshadowed another announcement by the Chancellor that is going to leave landlords reeling.

Aug 08, 2015
The Fit for Work service, formerly known as the Health and Work Service, is now in place and ready to provide occupational health assistance to employees, employers and GPs, free of charge.

Aug 08, 2015
When the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) was given enhanced powers on 6th April 2015 allowing action to be taken against companies making nuisance calls and sending spam messages, the whole marketing landscape changed.

Jul 11, 2015
If you’ve been thinking about taking on one or more apprentices as a way to fill skills gaps in a cost effective way, taking advantage of the various apprenticeship grants that are often available, you probably have a selection of questions.

Jul 11, 2015
The Building Cost Information Service, part of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, has announced that close to 80% of UK commercial properties could be underinsured for rebuild costs by as much as 60%

Jul 11, 2015
As a business you have until 1 October this year to make sure your staff are aware of the rest of the changes being brought in by the Consumer Rights Act 2015.

Jun 07, 2015
If you are planning building or renovation works of a commercial nature – including developing or refurbishing property that you intend to let, or constructing an outbuilding for use as an office or commercial workshop – then you should read on.

Jun 07, 2015
Late payment is a much talked about subject and research published in 2014 proves what an increasing issues it is with 57 per cent of small businesses waiting more than 90 days for payment and 72 per cent waiting over 60 days.

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