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Office Assistants Press releases

141 - 150 of 240 Press Releases

Feb 06, 2015
If you're a company with a PAYE scheme you will probably have received your 12-month ‘notice’ letter from The Pensions Regulator (TPR) confirming your staging date. But does this regulation actually apply to your business?

Feb 06, 2015
If you are one of the UK’s fast growing number of home business owners, and share the view of 145,000 others who mistakenly believe that their home contents insurance will cover their business, it’s time for a wake-up call.

Feb 06, 2015
Whatever size business you run, wherever you run it from, it is imperative you have a Disaster Recovery Plan. ‘Disasters’ don’t just mean catastrophes like floods or fires. Anything that can bring business to a halt can prove a disaster.

Jan 14, 2015
The Shared Parental Leave Regulations 2014 will start taking effect this month with requests expected to start filtering through. Office Assistants asks, are you ready for the changes?

Jan 14, 2015
The Insurance Bill is set to bring a raft of significant and beneficial changes to commercial insurance.

Jan 14, 2015
Keep an eye on your energy contract end-dates, warn Essex bookkeepers Office Assistants, otherwise you could find yourself on pricey out of contract rates.

Dec 13, 2014
Throughout the recession entrepreneurs have been looking for ways to improve efficiency, cut costs and ensure their businesses survived. One of the innovative ways is to use Bitcoin as an option for payments and receipts.

Dec 13, 2014
How do you organise your working day? Do you make a list of things to do and religiously follow it? Or do you find that most activities roll onto the list for the next day?

Dec 13, 2014
Many small businesses are still having difficulties caused by late payments for goods and services supplied to other organisations.

Nov 15, 2014
The changes to data protection laws are expected to be ratified by the Council of the European Union by the end of 2014. The new rules will mean big changes for businesses that collect consumer data.

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