Nov 16, 2022
Is your Outer Child a clutterer? Do you want to develop neater habits? Become more orderly? Would you like to purge your home and overstuffed schedule of unnecessary things? This will help you declutter your life.
Nov 07, 2022
When something triggers our primal abandonment pain -- like a breakup, getting fired or rejected by school admissions, or dissed by a friend -- it can be so ferocious and debilitating that we'd do almost anything to get past it.
Oct 25, 2022
Sometimes you just can't tell. Is it your old insecurity acting up again, or did you pick another emotionally unavailable lover? If the relationship doesn't work out, you'll say you should have trusted your gut.
Oct 14, 2022
How to Prevent Abandonment Issues From Sabotaging Your Love Life: 12 Things to Know on Your Path to Recovery.
Oct 13, 2022
AKeRU is a Japanese word that means "to pierce, to end, to begin." AKeRU is the name psychotherapist/author Susan Anderson has given to the five hands-on mental exercises that turn the pain of an ending into the beginning of positive change.AKeRU makes...
Oct 12, 2022
The feature that distinguishes abandonment grief from all others is the damage to self-esteem. We turn our rage about being rejected against ourselves. This accounts for the severe depression and self-injury involved in abandonment.
Oct 01, 2022
Abandonment pills? For when you're going through heartbreak and loss? Is there a pill for heartbreak? People have always wished there could be a magic pill (like a Tylenol for broken heart) to cure the primal pain of abandonment, one that hopefully.
Sep 30, 2022
PTSD of Abandonment is the underlying traumatic source of Complex PTSD (C-PTSD).
Sep 27, 2022
Does Your Outer Child Ever Act Like a Borderline? 10 Ways To Curb Outer Child from Sabotaging your Life.
Sep 19, 2022
Do you have abandonment issues? Suffering a recent heartbreak or lingering wounds from the past? Alone, can't find a relationship or getting love to last? Insecurity is self-defeating? Attracted to the unavailable? Susan Anderson's Abandonment Recovery...