Mar 17, 2022
Biotech Support Group reports on an article, describing the simplicity and efficiency of their lipid clearance sample preparation technology for studying the influence of lipids in Melasma using co-cultures with skin explants.
Dec 08, 2021
Biotech Support Group and joint collaborators presented two posters at the ASMS 2021 Conference, in Philadelphia PA, Oct 31 – Nov. 4, 2021.
Dec 08, 2021
Biotech Support Group reports on an article, describing the simplicity and efficiency of their lipid clearance sample preparation technology for studying malignant ascites in peritoneal metastases of epithelial ovarian cancer. The citation is: Yang, X.
Nov 22, 2021
Biotech Support Group reports on a research article describing the simplicity and efficiency of their lipid depletion technology to clarify ascites fluid to recover monoclonal antibodies. The citation is: Greenfield, Edward A.
Nov 22, 2021
Biotech Support Group reports on a research article describing the simplicity and efficiency of their lipid depletion technology to determine the influence of lipid composition and saturation on the ER membrane of macrophages in tumors.
Oct 06, 2021
DPX Technologies, a manufacturer of pipette-based products for sample preparation, announces a new in-market partnership with Biotech Support Group to integrate their proprietary Albumin, IgG and HemogloBind depletion reagents with pipette XTRaction.
Sep 30, 2021
Biotech Support Group reports on a research article describing the simplicity and efficiency of their lipid depletion technology to determine the influence of fatty acids as a source of energy in tumors. The citation is: Wang, Xueyu, et al.
Sep 30, 2021
Biotech Support Group reports on a research article describing the simplicity and efficiency of their hemoglobin depletion technology for enriching blood proteins, in order to profile the proteome of Gaucher disease relative to normal controls.
Sep 10, 2021
Biotech Support Group reports on two articles describing the simplicity and efficiency of their lipid depletion technology to determine the influence of lipids in cellular response assays. The first citation is: Chen, Hsin-Yi, et al.
Sep 09, 2021
Biotech Support Group reports on two journal articles describing the simplicity and efficiency of their HemogloBind™ sample preparation technology for removing analytical interferences, in the measurements of total urine protein, and western blot...