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Biotech Support Group LLC Press releases

21 - 30 of 160 Press Releases

Jul 26, 2021
Biotech Support Group reports on a recent journal article highlighting the simplicity and efficiency of their Albumin depletion sample preparation technology for BSA containing medium used in cell culture for LC-MS proteomic analysis.

Jul 26, 2021
Biotech Support Group reports on a journal article describing the simplicity and efficiency of their HemogloBind™ sample preparation technology for quantitative LC-MS multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) analysis.

Apr 24, 2021
Biotech Support Group reports on a recent research article describing the simplicity and efficiency of two depletion technologies – one for Albumin and one Hemoglobin, to quantify proteome abundance changes upon biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP)...

Mar 20, 2021
Biotech Support Group reports on a recent journal article using AlbuSorb™ to determine the amount of circulating apoCIII in plasma, a key regulator of lipid metabolism. The citation is: Valladolid-Acebes, Ismael, et al.

Feb 20, 2021
Biotech Support Group reports on a journal article describing the simplicity and efficiency of their HemogloBind™ sample preparation technology for deep and quantitative LC-MS proteome and phosphoproteome analysis.

Feb 20, 2021
Biotech Support Group reports on an article, describing the simplicity and efficiency of their lipid clearance sample preparation technology for studying a microglial cell line's dependency on the availability of lipids in the cell culture environment.

Jan 23, 2021
Biotech Support Group reports on a journal article describing the simplicity and efficiency of their HemogloBind™ sample preparation technology for the analysis of the pesticide methomyl, and its Hemoglobin derivatives.

Jan 16, 2021
Biotech Support Group reports on a patent application describing the simplicity and efficiency of their hemoglobin depletion technology for human stored red blood cells. The citation is: Christer, M. A. L. M., et al.

Dec 05, 2020
Biotech Support Group reports on a recent research article describing the simplicity and efficiency of their hemoglobin depletion technology to observe and report the red blood cell (RBC) proteome by two dimensional difference gel electrophoresis...

Dec 05, 2020
Biotech Support Group reports on a recent review article describing the simplicity and efficiency of their lipid clearance sample preparation technology to confirm the conjugation of a peptide ligand to a nanoparticle surface.

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