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SEO Deputy Press releases

11 - 20 of 61 Press Releases

Oct 27, 2011
Scaling is not new for people, it is a dental health measure for scaling most people are not very detailed about the process or its related only. Many people will think that scaling the better, so as to maintain oral health.

Oct 25, 2011
As dental surgery is being cut with a bone knife to open the bone segment sizes of teeth slightly shift the teeth aligned, not to unplug or turn the back teeth together, move the teeth and alveolar bone as a whole.

Oct 24, 2011
Toothache is toothache, dental disease is the most common dental symptoms. Many dental problems can cause pain, a common dental caries, acute pulpitis, chronic pulpitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, etc.

Oct 20, 2011
All-ceramic dental life and what factors? Life for all-ceramic tooth, this is the United States who are very concerned about the door, after all, which is related to our image of the beautiful. So, all-ceramic dental life and what factors?

Oct 19, 2011
A lot of people away because of toothache dental hospital for examination, the result is the need extraction. However, they are afraid to own extraction will produce unbearable pain.

Oct 16, 2011
Full name of porcelain teeth are porcelain fused to metal crown, is an ideal prosthesis. It is the first made of metal alloy substrate, and then its surface similar to natural teeth covered with porcelain powder with low melting.

Oct 12, 2011
Many office workers have such problems, obviously sooner or later, brush their teeth for teeth cleaning spared, there will be tooth decay occurs. In fact, in the company to keep with the last set of teeth.

Oct 12, 2011
Orthodontic treatment is the best time is 10-15 years of age, orthodontic treatment in childhood to do better, the shortest course of treatment.

Oct 11, 2011
Many people are not satisfied for their teeth to take protective measures, or repair, or teeth whitening, and so love acts, oral Hospital experts advise, be careful of your hand, love teeth become damaged tooth behavior.

Oct 09, 2011
The local causes of bleeding gums laceration. Tear more bleeding, gingival tissue should be aligned, to suture. If a tooth extraction wound in the remaining free of debris and broken bone, etc., should be inside the nest scrape the clot extraction.

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