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SEO Deputy Press releases

41 - 50 of 61 Press Releases

Jul 29, 2011
Oral ulcers, oral cavity wall will feel pain. Eating, especially acidic things, the symptoms will be more severe. Open your mouth, you can see the site white round ulcer. When severe infection, but also fever and peripheral lymphadenopathy.

Jul 27, 2011
In fact the symptoms of a toothache is not a simple, but by the many diseases caused by, for example, acute pulpitis caused by toothache, often leading to patient awake at night.

Jul 26, 2011
The onset of acute pulpitis, the night is not convenient to the hospital's case, there are several emergency: (1) white wine, stir in salt, medication cotton dipped, with the teeth bite marked effect.

Jul 25, 2011
A reasonable allocation of food, diet should be light and easy to digest and rich in high-calorie, high protein, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits; diet if the patient inconvenience, available nasal feeding.

Jul 24, 2011
Periodontal disease, bleeding gums is one of the most common symptoms. And gingival bleeding in susceptible people are:

Jul 22, 2011
Shallow caries (enamel or cementum caries caries): caries limited to enamel or cementum site but have not yet reached dentin.In dental caries (shallow dentin caries): caries has progressed to the dentin enamel or cementum shallow stage.

Jul 22, 2011
In medicine, a simple tooth-colored yellow, dark color, etc. referred to as tooth color, it generally can be divided into exogenous and endogenous coloring coloring two, simply, Stain is the teeth of the "external dyeing ".

Jul 21, 2011
Ultrasonic scaler is a high-frequency vibration through the role of ultrasound to remove the teeth attached to the tooth surface deep dental calculus and plaque. We're usually less than a toothbrush for brushing the site carried out a thorough clean.

Jul 20, 2011
In diabetic patients complicated with oral diseases are common, especially for combination therapy or insulin injections are not ideal blood sugar control in patients with severe diabetes, if they can strengthen the oral care.

Jul 17, 2011
Accomplice Dental calculus is periodontal disease, when left in the surface of the tooth has not been able to remove food debris, it will absorb the minerals in the saliva and the tooth surface to form a hard sediment, which is tartar.

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