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SEO Deputy Press releases

21 - 30 of 61 Press Releases

Oct 07, 2011
Recently, many patients call us a question: Why do my teeth discoloration? This is a complex issue, has not been personally checked not jumping to conclusions. Cause discoloration of the teeth to put in here the causes and manifestations summary.

Sep 28, 2011
Red meat on the gums, teeth, arranged in order along the alveolar arch, which is called the arch. In the arch, the tongue was sufficient space, free to play their mix of food to help swallowing function.

Sep 23, 2011
Sitting on my desk is a patient face Jiao Mei, body symmetry of the girl. She complained in recent months, she often feels in the mouth has an unpleasant smell, so she was very embarrassed and upset.

Sep 21, 2011
Tetracycline during tooth development means, children under 8 years old, if taking tetracyclines, is easy to cause tooth discoloration. Tetracyclines teeth organization with calcium ions combine to form a solid calcium salt of tetracycline.

Sep 19, 2011
Calculus by the saliva, food, GCF precipitation of calcium ions deposited on the surface of the tooth. Plaque formation and the kettle is very similar to the formation of scale. Plaque formation and the degree of tooth surface smooth.

Sep 16, 2011
Because in the production of partial removable denture, besides understanding the patient's general health, the need for detailed examination of the mouth and the necessary repair preparation.

Sep 11, 2011
Dental pulp tissue (nerve, blood vessels, lymph, connective tissue) inflammation called pulpitis. Further development of severe dental caries over the degree of tolerance and chemical pulp stimulation.

Sep 07, 2011
First, the diet should pay attention to balance attention to hygiene. Compared to other seasons, the fall is the season of good children's appetite, regulate the nutritional status of children during the critical period.

Sep 05, 2011
First, remember that "drugs are poisonous," that is to understand drugs can "cure" can be "pathogenic." Do not superstitious drugs as a panacea, not just medication.

Aug 23, 2011
When you want to have gray hair, good teeth, the elderly, in addition to removal of some bad habits, if it is found dental caries and periodontal disease should be promptly treated, can also do exercises every day to the teeth.

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