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SEO Deputy Press releases

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Jul 15, 2011
Periapical disease, the most common infections from dental pulp disease, followed by periodontal disease by apical, side of the root canal and vice and secondary dentin tubules, blood-borne infections are relatively rare.

Jul 14, 2011
8-year-old last month and actually bore in the tooth, "arch" out of the 4 teeth, surprised disturbed parents quickly took her to the oral hospital. Month that the problem lies in the back of the four teeth.

Jul 12, 2011
"End of the teeth," also known as wisdom teeth, medically known as third molars, generally up and down a total of four. It is the last to grow, the most rearward position of the teeth, this is probably the "end of the teeth" by Come on.

Jul 12, 2011
Dental veneer is a dental fluorosis, tetracycline mild to moderate, mild dental malalignment has excellent aesthetic results. Dental injury to patients. So more and more people choose to repair the veneer in the form of teeth.

Jul 10, 2011
Six old teeth "that the first permanent molars, often in the 6-year-old eruption, so called" six old tooth. "The up and down a total of four teeth, it is the first eruption of permanent teeth, not deciduous, long in Finally, one behind the teeth.

Jul 09, 2011
Soft bristles, through the sanding process, wash after use, brush up, in dry and ventilated place, medium size brush can brush each tooth, do not share toothbrushes with other people, do not use a toothbrush for any other purpose.

Jul 08, 2011
Many people usually choose to tickle the throat sublingual lozenges to ease, knowing little lozenges great knowledge, taking improper throat diseases will increase, will cause severe mouth ulcers and other oral diseases.

Jul 06, 2011
Dental hypersensitivity, use: after the clove oil rubbed restore sensitive areas, the first formula of silver nitrate dissolved in a small amount of freshly prepared distilled water and then add cooling to the whole amount.

Jul 06, 2011
Abnormal infant tooth development experts: Generally from about 7 months of an eruption of primary teeth to 20 teeth 2 years and a half out of Qi, 3-4 months later is normal. After a 1-year-old just has not erupted teeth were.

Jul 05, 2011
The problem is that the vast majority of bad breath caused by oral diseases, such as dental caries, periodontitis, etc.; and about 20% to 30% of bad breath caused by systemic diseases such as diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, cancer and so on.

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