Dr. Noelle Nelson Press releases
May 14, 2015
As many as 36 percent of American workers believe their boss to be “horrible” or “dysfunctional” according to research* by the University of Louisville.
Feb 17, 2015
Don't join in the water-cooler complaining sessions. Walk away.
Jan 13, 2015
No matter how much we complain about our bad boss, there is much to be learned by working for these types of bosses that will come in handy throughout your career, says Dr. Noelle Nelson.
Dec 09, 2014
When you have a boss who plays favorites (and you are on the outside), work can be a frustrating ordeal. There are ways to get beyond the favoritism shown by your bad boss and still find career success.
Nov 18, 2014
The release of “Horrible Bosses 2” on November 26 is a reminder that horrible bosses are still pervasive in the workplace and that nothing workers can do or say will make their bad bosses change their lousy attitude or behavior.
Oct 16, 2014
With Boss’s Day October 16, now is a good time to celebrate all the positive things about your boss
Sep 09, 2014
An August 2014 Michigan State University study found that bad bosses’ toxic habits are often mirrored by their employees, which spreads hostility and dysfunction within the workplace.
Aug 14, 2014
Workforce surveys are released each year where workers lament over incompetency of their bosses. Dr. Noelle Nelson says it is not necessarily the fault of the boss that he or she is so incompetent. She blames it on the Peter Principle.
May 16, 2014
Solutions that may work when the bully is a co-worker won’t work with a boss.
Mar 21, 2014
April is Stress Awareness Month. Seventy-five percent of working adults say the most stressful aspect of their job is their immediate boss.